RADAR FURUNO 1935 MARINE LCD berwarna 10,4″ kontras tinggi yang dirancang untuk berbagai kapal termasuk kapal pesiar, kapal nelayan, dan kapal kerja. Radar baru ini menawarkan presentasi target yang jernih dengan kontrol Gain/Sea/Rain otomatis untuk menghadirkan radar bebas kebisingan. Ini fitur deteksi yang luar biasa bahkan dari target kecil baik pada jarak pendek maupun jarak jauh. Ini juga menawarkan mode tampilan baru yang akan membantu Anda menavigasi dengan aman di semua perairan.
Standard Features FURUNO 1935 MARINE :
Easy-to-install 10.4″ portrait color LCD (350 cd) display
Bonded LCD provides clear view in all weather conditions
Stable ARPA target-tracking with zoom display function available (Requires optional ARP11 PCB and heading input)
AIS tracking (Requires external AIS and heading input)
Full Screen Mode lets operators observe a wider range around the vessel
Enhanced auto tuning/gain/anti-clutter controls
Echoes in yellow, green, orange or multiple colors
AIS/ARPA Display:
With the optional ARP11 internal ARPA PCB, up to 10 ARPA targets can be tracked and overlaid on the radar screen to assist the operator in monitoring other vessel movements. With the connection of an external AIS receiver, up to 100 AIS may also be tracked. A variety of navigational information such as vessel name, speed, ROT, draft, and the destination of the selected targets can be included in real time. Unlike ARPA targets, AIS targets are visible on-screen even if they are obscured by large ships or islands, since AIS works by VHF transceiver system and does not require line-of-sight. Both ARPA and AIS require heading input.
Off-Center Mode:
With a push of the “OFF CENTER” button, own ship position can be shifted to a pre-registered point on the screen, allowing the operator to focus on a specific area ahead of or around the vessel without losing track of the position.
Technical characteristics
Brightness : 350 cd/m2
Diameter : 125 mm
Function : ARPA Option (ARP11)
NMEA0183 INPUT : 2
Power : 4k W
Power input : 12/24 V
Range : 48 NM
Resolution : 640 x 480 Pixels
Screan size : 10.4
Size : 3.5 ft
Type : Antenna
Waterproof : 55 IP
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